Tuesday 14 July 2015

Greeks Excel In the Face of Adversity...

This is what Dr C Constantinides, founder of Healthcare cybernetics (HCC), wrote in his recent answer to a comment in the IMTJ.  Dr Constantinides is one of the world gurus n Health Tourism.

Interestingly, the commentator maintained that the crisis may have made Greece's foray in the Health Tourism sector more difficult; Dr Constantinides showed that the exact opposite is true. In so doing he relays a positive message, one which is a breath of fresh air after so much doom being aired about the country which, even if imminent, would be better left alone: if doom is at the door, let's enjoy the minutes of life now until it breaks through!

Dr Constantinides' response  is interesting but one point in particular stood out: "Greeks excel in the face of adversity".
Lately, Greeks (as represented by the Greek government) have distinguished themselves in creating adversity (rather than responding to it) so I thought to myself: would the creation of common adversity it be a national trigger to inspire creativity and love of life in Greece.

As the Gods of the Greeks and market research, both know, Greeks are amongst the least happy (or most unhappy?) of Europeans. They may have reason to be, but the point is: could a adversity be the key to a nationwide snapping-out-of-it?

Let's hope so.

I am presently in Athens, the weather is good (hot but cool in the shade), recent winds have cleared the sky of pollution, the colours are magnificent.

If adversity can help preserve this, long live adversity! And long live the Germans, the bad guys of choice in Greece at this moment who fuel this adversity!

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