Friday 24 June 2016


Or, political misinformation takes all. So many people have been fed so much bullshit over so much time, that, in the end those most removed from the centres of visible information are, naturally misinformed.

England voted against remaining in the EU and the UK (seems to have) has to follow suit. Scotland and N. Ireland, however, voted massively in favour of remaining.

I think:
I think English politicians who were hot on for Britain's exiting the EU are kicking themselves at the actual outcome.

I think this a golden opportunity for Germany to impose itself further -- by which I mean, throw its weight around and unchain all its fears, ghosts and phobias on the remainder of the EU. Hopefully, France will stand up to them -- but I won't bank on it.

I think this is a golden opportunity for Scotland (who voted to remain) to assert its own, European, personality. After all, it is England & Wales that voted Brexit, not Scotland, so why should Scotland be left out?

And likewise, for Northern Ireland... By the way, shouldn't Eire, another pro-european country, examine the applicability of a reunion between North and South now?

There is more to come.
Stay tuned.

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