Friday 16 January 2009

Terrorism Greek(?) style: "shoot thems working class wogs"

In Greece, the "Anti-somethingorother" group sent a "declaration" to an obscure Athenian paper, claiming responsibility for a number of terrorist attacks making them out to be cool man and, more importantly, making no bones about their intentions to crush (the) police(men).

Under a purported left-wing cover, this group seems to be revealing itself, unintentionally perhaps, either as a case of neo-fascists or, just as likely, as the Eton vs Comprehensive, Working-classes- trying-to-assert-themselves-and-being-violently-shunned by an armed militia of privileged classes offspring.

Which is probably where this anti-somethingorother group members come from: privileged classes.

They are certainly not working class or lower middle class, or small farmers' children; that what their enemies, the police(
men) are... working class, poor, farmers' kids mostly.

Let us end this short epistle asserting our revolutionary support to the upper classes and their gracious militia, by borrowing the words of an erstwhile emperor:
"Cock your pistols, KKK! Don't let gun-carrying snots and the wogs assert themselves! Kill them all, God will recognise his own"