Monday, 27 June 2011

Greek Socialist Politicians are Above Investors & the Law

One of our Clients has been considering an expansion of the company's operation in Greece. Most unusually in this dire era, they were considering direct & indirect investment. This investment entails recruitment, so the whole scheme was looked upon in a very positive light by all and sundry -- not least by us, players in the operations and recruiting industry.
Unfortunately, the corporate powers that be froze any and all "Greece growth" action. Given the country's present volatility and unstable, unpredictable politics, freezing investment in Greece does not come as a surprise; the actual reason given, however, was a surprise.

"I cannot even begin to consider any kind of involvement in a country where my corporate and personal equity could very well end up being used by its government for political expediency"

In other words, the person speaking is adamant that any investment interest candid or implied is likely to be aired by Greece's present government as indication of investor confidence in the country.

While this seems too arcane to be true, so many unexpected things happen in Greece at the present time that this
indifference could be seen as just another expression of political arrogance Greece's politicians are known for.

Whatever the case may actually be, whether or not the speaker is suffering delusions or not -- the investment will be abandoned. Definitively. Unfortunately.

The following message, received today from a very structured and self-composed friend of mine does not help the delusions solution above.

Let me share with you the following excerpt from a recent e-mail by a friend. It speaks for itself.
"I was boarding a flight yesterday and triggered the alarm as I went through the metal detector. Naturally enough I was frisked and waved through. The alarm was also triggered by the man behind me who refused to be frisked. I turned around to see what the fuss was all about and it was the parliamentary speaker Mr. Petsalnikos (note: Mr PetsAlnikos is a member of Greece's ruling Socialist party, which may contribute to the arrogance).
Presumably irritated by the fact that security hadn't recognised him, he went on and on about his position, his privileges and refused to be subjected to a body search. I tried biting my tongue but failed and asked him why he felt he was above the law and shouldn't be subjected to the same search any another passenger would be subjected to before boarding a flight.
The arrogant bastard went on and on about his privileges as speaker. His lack of sensitivity given the present circumstances was unbelievable It was so typical of an attitude by our politicians that they are somehow above the law. The same attitude that makes them so corrupt and that has lead to their total and absolute rejection."
Now spread the good word. The man deserves to have his arrogance made known to all.
As you witnessed, he had no reservation letting anyone near him know who he is. Therefore, he will not mind a little extra publicity.

Those of us still in Greece: let's hope that arrogance does not contribute to unemployment Greece.
(Unemployment: 17% private sector exclusively; private sector accounts for 60% of active population.)