Monday, 25 February 2013

Horsemeat and Bullschitt

There is a lot of hullabaloo raised about horsemeat found in what should have been beef ~burgers, ~mousaka, ~lasagna, etc. Rumour has it, there are traces of said meat even in high street branded frozen meals -- let alone distributors' own labels.
A French company, Spanghero, suspected of providing said incorrectly labeled products has seen its operation suspended.

The matter raises fundamental ethical issues -- i.e., do we know what we are eating, and, isn't anyone reliable anymore? -- and could also shed light on business practice -- distributors' low price pressure is strangling manufacturers' margins and stretches their ethics.
More than that, I think it has provided a much needed cause for Eurocrats to assemble, get together, bandy chaff and generally take a break from the daily highly paid Euro-tedium.

It is said (taking it from the BBC) that European agri-ministers will get together to discuss the subject. In other words, let's all have a quick get-together, drink some drinks, exchange information and discuss Easter & summer hols.

Some of these ministers are surely very well read in matters of agriculture; others may be less so. The one from Greece believed until recently that some fish look like sticks.

All in all, horse meat is not only a matter of mis-labelled products and another thorn in the flailing trustworthiness of institutions and commerce alike; it is also a welcome opportunity for Euro-crats of all types to show their concern (and temprarily abandon their usual physical inertia) and produce some new horse-schitt.

If you'll allow the exression!