Greek politicians' continued rock bottom popularity (for just cause, admittedly), the whole police force and then some was enlisted to protect Greece's politicians who insist on being present at the parade... a celebration that is, to all intents and purposes, their private affair.
{The 28th October commemorates the day Greece's premier (himself a military dictator, in fact) refused to allow safe passage to Mussolini's troops and, upon the latter's envoy's insistence, Metaxas declared "Alors c'est la guerre". (Easier said than done.) }
Many -Greeks believe that politicians are the root of all evil and all that is still evil in Greece. Accordingly, they protest against the presence of these same politicians on important historical occasions such as the National Day -- especially as such days commemorate heroes; Greeks, not unjustly it would seem, consider many of their politicians as traitors....
While it is unpolitic to provide opinion on the subject, one can see that, in some cases, Greek politicians act in a not-so-composed manner.
One of these, a chap called Paggalos, managed to reroute the NSA spying scandal all by himself: like any adolescent, he declared that spying is not much -- "...we tapped the mobile phone of the US ambassador to Athens and the US ambassador to Turkey..." by which he means, someone in the intelligence service fortuitously logged onto said ambassador's frequency while he was speaking to the other said ambassador, and proceeded to listen in for a while...
That's what we call, "shooting yourself in the foot", or "the guy's not all there" or "the guy's out of focus for the time being..."