Monday, 26 May 2008

Eurovision: miserabile visu

We all know that the Eurovision* noise contest is an exercise in bad taste and jumping around, with some degree of voyeurism thrown in for good measure. This epitome of bad taste is so powerful, it makes one cringe and look away embarrassed pretending, "this is not happening and I'm not involved". One wonders if this bad taste is not part of the grand scheme of things: you really have to work hard to push the limits of conventional vulgarity so far -- and, moreover, a little bit further each year.

The whole thing is inexplicable -- except, perhaps, if considered in the context of national television...

Maybe the phenomenal bad taste is aligned to TV pundits' view of what "the people out there want to see and hear". As this usually translates into "the easiest and cheapest programming I can get away with on the air", aka "trash", Eurovision may just fit this bill. On the other hand, Eurovision is hardly a cheap investment, one country at least having invested just over Euro: 0,3 mill. for its "national" representation. That country did not win so, presumably, a much cheaper participation could only have yielded the same results -- or better. I.e. money that could probably have been better spent elsewhere.

In the above light, Italy may have the best view of things: Italy simply refuses to participate!

*Eurovision is a canned show, labelled "song contest", with one rep per participating country. It encompasses European countries as well as Middle East, at present. The list of participant countries may expand further in the future, who knows.

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