Thursday, 30 October 2008

(U.S.) Elections -- the hidden provocation

Not the US elections in particular, but election campaigns in Western countries in general.
  • The provocation is this: millions are spent on an elections show.
  • On the other hand, people out there are suffering to the tune of a minute fraction of the millions spent on the elections show.
  • The elections show is officially for the benefit of "the people".
  • With or without the show, some people are still starving. They could do with a little bit of that money.
From the view point of the needy, the whole election campaign thing is either very ironic or very tragic or a very tragic waste of money... or any combination thereof.

Again, it's not a matter of the yanks' elections -- it's all elections. It's just that the show being currently aired is the yanks' show. Since the US elections are imminent and Americans prepare to vote (or some of them do), their the whole shenanigan has received much airing. Hence the reference to them. It's also a really grand show, and their campaign seems to last for ever.
Now, how about if someone requested the candidates bail out a bank or support a few jobs being cut... say for a year?

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