Tuesday, 17 February 2009

The BBC, Kossovo, and ranting

In an early morning story, this morning (i.e. around 5:30 a.m. Feb 17th), the BBC News channel aired a short report on Kossovo.

With serious and concerned faces, presenter, an EU official with the cushy job of doing nothing (or maybe, supervising... traffic? noting the weather? watching grass grow?) and an anchorwoman sur place informed us that there may be a problem in Kossovo. It took considerable air time and a trip over there for at least two persons (i.e. the one on the screen & the one behind the camera that recorded the scene) to tell us what we already know; those of us who do not, are not interested.

We got some not so touristy background views of couleur locale, however, the BBC correspondent quite appropriately dominated the screen most of the time; her image is arguably aesthetically superior to what was behind her.

All in all, the inanity of the presenter's story was only out shadowed by the vapidity of the correspondent's reporting.

This said, neither of the two can hold a candle to the officious official representing the EU (Mr. Pieter Feith). He was beyond description.

First of all, the aforementioned pair still have to work and worry about ratings.
Our officous official, having landed the cushy job, has a number of arguments that say he does not have to do, or be, or try to be, anything any more: EURO: 184.000 tax-free, + private insurance + pension plan, + support for kids' tuition, + travelling expenses, + business & extraordinary expenses... etc.

Am I envious? Yes I am!

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