Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Greece hit the headline and is there to stay! What about 2012?

Two important money men are flying to Germany to talk about giving money to Greece!

Mr D. Strauss-Kahn, boss of the IMF and Mr C. Trichet, boss of the ECB. Wow!

They are flying to see Mrs Merkel, the East German chancellor of West Germany. They will, ostensibly, discuss aid to Greece.

I think this is a relatively sexy (if I may be allowed the expression) photo of Chancellor Merkel.

Let's hope they discuss, not the present bail out plan -- which is in the works -- but the future: what happens in 2012?? Greece is being lent enough to survive 18 months. What then??

Greece does not produce anything;
It is expensive to vacation in;
It does not welcome strangers anyway (see cruise boats help in Piraeus);
What are the sources of income?

What then??

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