Speeches were made for political expediency (unashamedly!) by the Prime Minister of Greece and crocodile tears were shed following the announcement of the first batch of austerity measures on Sunday 2nd May.
"Sniff, it's their fault (the ubiquitous "others" again) not ours";
"Sniff, patriots, simple people are ready to up their whole salary to help (good, because I won't -- what, you crazy?)".
"In these times we will pull through together (you put up the money and I'll do the clapping). "
Instead this man should have said:
- The ones called upon today to foot the bill are mostly those who benefited little, benefited indirectly, or not at all from the spending spree we politicians started at the country's expense decades ago;
- For years, we the politicians have been hoodwinking you with simple communication techniques; we have successfully appealed to your emotional side;
- We have been deceiving you -- but of course politicians are hardly expected to tell the truth, are they?
- Those who have benefited greatly are not much affected by this crisis; they have enough stashed away to survive and retain their lifestyle -- albeit with some changes. Changes are exciting.
- Do you all know that ever since my father's reign, we have lived well beyond our means, we have turned many EU subsidies to personal profit, we have bought votes;
- We have lost part of these subsidies because we never actually applied for them! Why? Because while the interested parties were fighting over the split deadlines were lost -- so the loot is gone!
- Some of you rallied to this racket patiently hoping for your turn to share the loot! You are the ones who accepted the racket as a means to make a quick buck;
- Rather than rely on work to create wealth, net worth in Greece was gained the back door of state subsidy or state contracts -- which we, the politicians, controlled; Either that or you inherited real estate! So why work? It did not lead anywhere.
- Basically, we spent money but created little or no wealth! No added value.
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