Monday 13 December 2010

Too little too late? Or is it?

Well it's certainly a small step for a normal human being, a giant leap for a Greek politician: Greece's communist-socialist government has introduced further, some say adventurous, cost-cutting legislation in one long bill. The bill covers various different topics, ranging from civil servants' pay to working hours and sectoral collective agreements (virtually void).
To whit:
a) It spreads poverty even further amongst the civil servants: i.e. cut their salaries (and their bonuses? Bonuses are often 80-120% of official salary), rather than lower their number.
Result: now, you HAVE to moonlight! And you HAVE (by law) to do it in grey or black!
b) It keeps minimum wages intact, and preserves union power;
c) It raises temporary employment term to 36 months -- but temporary employment is only permitted in case of exceptional, unforeseeable, and transitory needs, so impracticable in Greece anyway.
d) It cuts salaries (such as these cuts may be) across the board. SO how does the cop on the beat compare to the myriad of civil servants scratching or knitting in a warm back office??? Or the soldier with the same office "servant"???

The result is to spread the alarm everywhere and to demotivate everyone involved.

Given Greece's unenviable track records of messing things up, it's amazing anyone outside the country is willing to listen to well-worn excuses any more.

Maybe we should all just take an aspirin and board the first plane out of this mess. Rats leaving the sinking ship??? Right, well I'm not the one to steer it into the iceberg in the first place; in fact many were warning of the iceberg, ever since it alighted on the horizon! Some, even before that.

So why is it that in Greece, it's always the passenger's fault -- never the captain's???

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