Monday 11 June 2012

Greece's erratic political behaviour... explained

After many years of raw thinking, and dissatisfied with the explanations proffered this far, I finally caught on!
The answer to the question "why do Greeks vote so erratically, in other words, why are they politically akin to an adolescent looking for his or her role in life?" is,

Greeks suffer from the fact that they have no knowledge, no experience, and no clue of what a real country is like and how a real country functions.... 

I.e. the vast majority of Greeks never lived in your average, run-of-the mill, normal country, where a modicum of legality, morality, and adhesion to the common good are observed and sanctioned.
Also, where politicians & media do not push the bullshit to exponential factors.
Greeks do not know what it is like to live & work in a normal country, for any length of time -- nor have they been educated in any way to think accordingly.
Those that have lived elsewhere, are too few (and too disgusted) to make much of any difference.

For many years, many people within the EU and some people outside the EU are bewildered at the Greeks' voting again and again for the same self-serving and scandal-ridden politicians, at shouldering huge taxes to support their huge and inefficient contingent of party-driven civil servants. Lately, Greece's successive socialist governments have increased income tax, slashed medical care, cut pensions, and pledged the country's real-estate and other goodies to receive a massive EU bail-out to support, once again, Greece's huge and inefficient contingent of party-driven civil servants  and socialist party cronies.

Difficult to understand indeed, and many explanations have been offered but none that could adequately explain -- apart from sheer idiocy, which would be a statistical aberration.

SO, here it is, ladies & gentlemen:
Q - Why do Greeks sometimes act as overgrown, disgruntled, adolescents???
A - Because they haven't seen better, they don't know nor have they ever been taught any better!

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