Tuesday 5 November 2013

Cowboy tax No 69 -- The incomprehensible Greek minister

Greece has an incomprehensible minister of labour. To begin with the title of minister of unemployment would be more apt in a country that has over 1.5 million unemployed, representing just under 30% of statistical workforce and ~55% of private sector work-force. Of these only 160,000 get unemployment benefits.

Clearly, the woes of the unemployed are not high up on Mr Vroutsis' agenda.

Holiday camps for his cronies' children are, however. Mr Vroutsis decided to levy a 20 euro tax from employers for each employee.
How bout that!
Do you think your son or daughter qualifies?
They don't: if you have to think about it, your kids are not part of the deal.

Best of all, it's the way it's done: shut up and pay.

So, if you're thinking of investing in Greece, here's your chance to help the incomprehensible Minister confirm a few votes.

So far, what he does is totally comprehensible: he is using other peoples' money. An old story in Greece.

The only thing that's incomprehensible is why the Prime Minister has not sacked this man: even by Greek standards this person is a living disgrace....

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