Tuesday 23 December 2014

Merry Xmas!!! (From The Country That Doesn't Give A Damn)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Greece's MPs voted today (those of them that were awake and lucid) for a second time in the presidential election.

168 voted in favour, not enough to elect the new president.

As usual and expected, the stock exchange plummeted.

As expected, the politicians continue their bickering, indifferent to the havoc they are creating.

Unfortunately, they don't give a damn. Or they don't know worth a damn. Mostly, both. Greek MPs are notorious for not reading the texts they are discussing. Rumour has it and internal Parliamentary sources seem to confirm the rumour that more than 60% of the MP in the Greek Voule who voted in favour or against the loan agreement and the attached memorandum had not actually read the text they voting.

 Greece may be in dire straits, but the political catchphrase in Athens remains: what? Me worry???? (Never!)

Why worry: politicians have amassed their wealth, they are set for life (or think they are), they have nothing to fear.  If it all fails, there is always Switzerland...

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