Tuesday 19 May 2015

Be Introspective, then Reflective and then Understand...

In one of the motivational posters I read "you are not where you come from, you are where you're going to...".

Which, snazzy though it may be, raises a fundamental question: do I know where I am going to?

One may argue, of course, that NOT knowing is, in and of itself, a kind of direction to whit, the pursuit of direction.

I wonder how many of us actually do know where they are going -- or do we simply settle for a vague idea, based on what we have around us.

Do we want to know everything about the future?

Or, maybe, "where we are going to" is the journey to know oneself.

If so, all it takes is to reflect upon oneself, to discover, see, accept and move on. The more we know ourselves, the more we know where we are going to? Or, the more we know ourselves, the less important is the goal of defining a specific destination...

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