Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sullen, Disgruntled and Resentful

... is how a Dutch person living in Greece described the country's ruling party's so called "extreme left-wing" politicians.

Like typical bullies,indignant because they have not had their way; "just imagine" he said, "imagine you give the bullies the power and the responsibilities of the school principal"! This is surely how they wil behave."

He proffered the example of  the minister for education who publicly stated that the pursuit of excellence (and progress) is a sickness. Again, in the same ministry, the minister appointed new regional educational supervisors, all from the party (syriza). Other ministers declare "... we will tear Europe to bits..." and "jihad is not to be excluded if they (european partners) do not do what we want...".

If this is really the case, and Greece's ruling people are a pack of disgruntled, self-serving bullies,  Greece is in urgent need of a few very dynamic parents who can bring these bullies to order.

Or the will sink the ship further, beyond salvation.

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